
Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I've been having trouble saying anything meaningful in here. Things happen. Things happen everyday, with various degree of mundane regularity. As a matter of fact, what's routine to me might actually be reasonably spellbinding to others. For example, the other day a certain manager leaving, an office theft, a new employee, an altered schedule, a farewell party, an immature girl, some 20 movies. All of these have happened in a period of two months.

Indeed the more I want to write about inductive reasoning, the less I can write about it. Those mundane regularities always get in the way.

I guess my point is that there are interesting things to report, events directly related to me or something I've come across through reading and such. I fail miserably though to muster the necessary strength to put them down in writing, which has helped me tremendously to gain conscious perceptivities over the past year. I'll someday quite possibly go back to step number one and regain that new found enthusiasm.


Anonymous said...

In general, one of the nature of life is routine. I'm sure it is easy to make a routine more interesting and enjoyable. That's what i'm trying all the time. Try to stay away from the mainstream time and adventures come.
I'm just back from my Central Oz trip and have lots of fun. Tell u more about my trip later on.

todd said...

glad you had fun there. I know my bitching gets repetitious but it's therapeutic.

I can't think of you as being immature. Although I suffer from the opposite and over-accuse others of not being so. And if your debate is Japan-specific then I say there hasn't been any increase in sex crimes just that girls and people in general are standing up more than before. They're educated to be second citizens. That goes for strong characters too. I can go on for quite a bit on that topic. (...snips) pun not intended.