
Monday, April 03, 2006

old pic

I dug up an old picture on the Interweb, well not all that old (2003.11.15). I am in the back row being one of the few not wearing a kimono. The photo marks my eighth month in Japan. Here is an idea- it might actually be an interesting profile pic.


Anonymous said...

The Guide Club could be a little clingy but overall they did some cool stuff for us. The kimono party was fun, Claire and Jackie looked hot in those kimono ;-)

todd said...

totally fell in love with em from that point on. ^_^ I thought the guys' kimono looked really sharp too.

todd said...

I'll let Charlie know that you think he's sexy! He looks like Tiger Woods.

To my defence, you can't really see any details in that pic. It's too small. ^_^ That wasn't a cream jacket, it's actually blue with floppy bits in the front.

The ladies in the front you mentioned are Claire and Jackie.

Together the four of us were very close, well, until we parted. I miss them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sarah!

See Todd, you should've worn a kimono too. Chicks dig the kimono. =)