
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

year in review

Let's see, in the year of 2006 I've managed to get a few things done.

Got that wanting to live alone forever out of the system.
Filled my head with an overdose of knowledge rush.
Finally in a committing relationship.
Nearing the money-saving target.
Watched over 100 movies.
Entirely on Linux.
Set a couple of goals.

I guess I'll call this a good year. And for that I'm really thankful.


TrixSta said...

Merry Christmas Todd!! Hope your year is great!!

Unknown said...

Entirely on Linux. Hah. For some reason, I never figured. I thought you were MS all the way.

Good for you.

I'm now entirely Mac. The old windows tower is stuck in a closet, completely un-used.