
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

celebrating 30

30 years has gone in a flash. My birthday was a couple of days ago. I'm glad that it's over so I can get on with my life. Not that I didn't have a great time. I had two cakes which is more than usual. My girlfriend made me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They were delicious. Congratulatory emails were sent and received. There was moderate drinking involved. My friends and a couple of students bought me cute presents. Everything is fine but I'm just glad I'm done walking across that line.


Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! You're getting old my friend! =)

todd said...

thanks buddy, and by the way happy new year! ^_^

Anonymous said...

Happy new year to you too!

TrixSta said...

Happy Birthday Todd!! Glad to hear it was great!

kiki said...

Happy belated birthday Todd, I feel something similar on hitting 40. Too much build up! Hope you had a good one and Hawaii is still on the horizon!

todd said...

Thanks Trix and J!!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday Todd, welcome to the big leagues!
belated good wishes
how is this girlfriend working out for you?
I am done end of march too, woohoo!

todd said...

thanks Alison! the gf is becoming the wife fast! what are you gonna do after March?

Unknown said...

Why is it I can never remember these things.

Happy Birthday Todd. I'm hoping I'm hoping we'll communicate more in the future!

todd said...

thanks Pat. keep in touch!