
Friday, November 21, 2008

the current AE86

A Mazda RX8 is everything an AE86 was 20 years ago.

Similarities between AE86 and RX8, both:
are funny looking.
are wonderfully underpowered.
handle well, take corners like a champ.
have similar power to weight ratio.
have comparable price tag to power ratio.
are naturally aspirated.
are rear wheel drive.
sit 4 passengers.
are affordable sports cars.
are seriously fun.

A lot of people would argue that RX8 is a disgrace to its former rotary-powered brother, RX7.

The 8 is lackluster for the 7's fans.
The 8 misses all that made the 7 great- speed and looks.
The 8 can no longer attract boy racers.

Ding! That's the point exactly. Thank you RX8 engineers.

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