
Monday, May 15, 2006

Has Sony lost it?

PlayStation3 at E3 '06 is not what you can call a success, marketing- or innovation-wise. I think Sony might have reached a point where it's really turning into another Microsoft. Being on top doesn't mean you can make do with a small upgrade alongside a large advertising budget. The audiences aren't fools, not anymore. The consumers are so well-informed they know more than some of your executives, at least more in touch with reality. Being humble won't hurt either, Sony. Let's see how this goose that lays gold eggs gets slaughtered.

But of course, if the PS3 does run Linux and homebrew apps in its final retail form, there may just be enough lifeline to go on.

PlayStation 3 out in November, at 2 price points
PlayStation 3 – Not Optimal, Says John Carmack.
Impressions, good and bad, of game systems
E3 2006: Now Sony says buy a Wii!
Sony PlayStation 3 – Not Expensive, But Powerful, Says Sony.

the best E3 source:

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