
Monday, June 26, 2006

committed to Linux

After ditching Windows completely and using Ubuntu Dapper Drake for a whole month now, I can form an opinion about this distro and Debian Gnome in general.

There are the more exciting things, namely:

fresh looking desktop;
its ability to detect most hardware;
and install everything pre-first-boot;
everything is free, or nearly free;
the learning curve is not that steep;
do anything you can do with MS Windows;
friendly users who help whatever the problem.

And there are some headaches, mostly:

poor 3D support for popular graphics cards (ATI, Nvidia, Intel);
a smaller range of software available;
buggy programs, due to non-dedicated support;
time consuming because of fine tuning required;
Linux-specific games a few years behind Windows.

BOTTOM LINE: Ubuntu is probably Linux-community's best shot at converting Windows users for a long while. There were numerous other distros that came very close but remained viable to only a small sum. True that if you want to run a version of Linux right out of the box it's as user-friendly as any Windows, if not more so, but after that you want to get it to perform the way you specify, it takes a lot of time and effort to fine-tune it.

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