
Sunday, September 04, 2005

weird dream

I almost felt obligated to write in this blog, except I did't.

I had a really weird dream last night but now I'm wide awake I only remember fractions.

I am really late for a social meeting. Nine a.m. was when we say we'll meet up but I wake up in my dream at 6pm. So even if I go I would be at least 9 hours late. So I don't. I call insteads. Funny thing is he's still waiting. Then I go to a school summer camp trip, not as a teacher, but as a student. I'm back in HS, despite being 28 and non-Japanese. I'm in a Japanese HS but my "classmates" are my real life elementary school students in a public school I teach at as an ALT. Weird. So instead of rushing to meet up with my angry friend, I get on a bus with all those bouncy kids. I apologize profusely over the phone, but my usually easy-going friend just loses it. I don't blame him. I mean after all I'm 9 hours late and going to another thing.

I get off the bus as soon as possible once we get there. It's snowing. So a snowing summer camp it is. And the kids turn into adults and I fancy some of the girls. (note: the grown-ups do not resemble my real life kids, before you call me a freak) One of the classmates is holding a bunch of keys. That gives him all the power in the world. So who is going to be with whom in what room? When I am asked I simply say I want to be in a room with our female classmates and they think I'm joking. Three guys (one of them my real life HS friend) are running to the slope and they're already dressed in snow gear. Apparently it is cold. I adore winter but at that very moment I think to myself "what the hell are they doing?" as if I hated it.

So that was the whole thing or how I remember it. I woke up thinking I'm very late for something and I was very tense for a few minutes before realizing it was just a dream, and heaved a sigh of relief. That explains why I'm up at 9am on a Sunday morning. It's my only dayoff usually I sleep 'til late.

I haven't dropped into this blog for a while not because I don't have anything to say. Just the opposite, I got too much to say I don't know where to start. Part of what I wanted to say was preoccupied by the hurricane tragedy. Other parts a greater scale of things like evolution vs creation, alien intillgence, cosmos, etc.


Anonymous said...

First of Todd, just have to say that your writing is great, so descriptive. I love it..
second..the dream, here's an interpretation that you can take or leave as you choose...
So you're late, for what? Something you as a child thought should be here, somewhere you feel you ought to be and just aren't....waiting for hours for yourself to show up. Now you "know" you're late...or perhaps just feel you are...because you don't go, not ready, instead you need to go back to school, back with your memories, trying to find out what it is you are supposed to be doing, what it is you were supposed to be doing....and then you choose not to go, and when you realize you aren't going to go and now you KNOW you are supposed to you get off to summer school, which is nothing but a place to learn..and the keys are being're choices are being dispersed..and what do you choose?? what have you chosen..

hmm perhaps bit too introspective....Rainy sunday mornings with Ben harper...blame it on that...

todd said...

Thanks. I'm just keeping it simple and readable, to me at least.

Interesting dream interpretation. I think tho most of it was triggered by more recent events. Although much has somthing to do with making choices.

Today over here is not just rainy, it's damp everywhere. It's like you can just squeeze water from anything in sight. worst weather ever. :(